Sunday, February 10, 2013

One Happy Mama

I am thankful to be home with my child every day. I know everyone doesn't have this opportunity, and I tell myself on a daily basis that I am fortunate. I remind myself to remain present when I am with my child. I work hard not to let myself drift into Facebook land or become text message obsessed. These are the days of my life, really. I won't get any of them back. And if I don't take the time to enjoy my child now, I am setting myself up for some bad habits in the future.

I always said I didn't want to be a stay-at-home mom. For as long as I can remember, I said that once I had children, I would of course return to work full time, and part-time at a minimum. But the minute I laid eyes on my child, I started to doubt whether or not I could return to work. I just wanted to be with him NONSTOP!

I remind myself where I was a year ago. I was working for a large company that somehow managed to employ the largest number of bitchy, racist, stupid, ignorant, unhappy assholes EVER. I'm not kidding. The majority of people that I worked for and with sucked at life. I was able to make a few close friends there that kept me sane, but the majority of my days were spent wondering how I was going to make it until closing time.

Whenever Luke is having a hard time, or when my head hurts from not getting enough sleep, I remind myself how very lucky I am. I am able to stay at home full time with my baby, and there is absolutely nothing I would rather do than spend every possible minute with him, teaching him, guiding him, and watching him learn about life. I am one happy mama.

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