Friday, October 5, 2012

I Believe...

I want to make clear what my beliefs are as they relate to parenting. I do not know all there is to know about parenting my child, and I definitely don't know anything about how to raise anyone else's child. But I am slowly yet surely becoming an expert on my baby and his needs. I spend A LOT of time reading and researching various topics. I cannot stand the thought of "going with the flow" just because someone tells me that's what I should do. As a result, I have drastically transformed my viewpoints on many of these topics over the past year. I am going to state my beliefs so that it is clear what I stand for, what I advocate for, and what you can expect to learn about in future blog posts.

I believe that every child has the right to breastmilk, either their mother's or that of a donor. I believe that every child has the right to breastfeed on demand. Not on a schedule that is given to them to make life more convenient for their parents. From as early as I can remember, I have eaten when I was hungry. Not when someone told me I was allowed to eat. I believe babies have that same right.

I believe children have the right to decide for themselves when they are done breastfeeding. I believe that children should be exclusively breastfed for at least the first six months of life, and for however long after that they choose. Breastmilk is the optimal nutrition for babies and toddlers, and they should have the opportunity to be nourished in the way that nature intended for as long as they wish. Convenient for mom? Not necessarily. Healthy for baby? Absolutely.

I believe that diaper companies are evil. Possibly among the most evil there is. These companies make diapers that touch the soft skin on our babies' bottoms, and they pack them with chemicals and perfumes and all kinds of carcinogens. The diaper copmpanies don't give a damn about what happens to babies' skin...they are solely concerned with how absorbent they can make these horrid things.

I believe babies that are put in diapers have a right to be put in cloth diapers that are gentle on their skin.

I believe that babies have a right to not be forced to learn to soil themselves and then sit in it until someone decides they can be given a clean diaper. The thought makes me sick. Babies are born knowing how to communicate that they need to eliminate. They may not have words, but they are able to give a signal just as they do when they are hungry or tired or lonely. Unfortunately in America, the diaper companies have convinced us that children need diapers for the first two, three, four or even five years of their lives. Disgusting. I believe that babies have a right to eliminate in a potty from birth.

I believe that any form of the Cry It Out method is both physical and emotional abuse. Babies cry when they need something. Ignoring those cries is torture.

I believe that any form of physical punishment is both physical and emotional abuse.

I believe that routine infant circumcision (RIC) is wrong and violates the rights of babies. Our culture has been victimized by misinformation on the topic. There is a reason that of the Industrialized Western Nations, the US is the only country with a for-profit medical system and also the only country where routine infant circumcisions are still performed. Is it coincidence? Nope. It's all about money. You can count on it.

I believe that babies have a right to be held. A lot. Strollers and saucers and bouncy chairs and pack-n-plays are convenient, but they are not necessary for a baby.

I believe babies are born to sleep with their mothers. This dates back to our early ancestors. It's an instinct. Why do you think all children sleep better when they are in bed with their parents? They are hard-wired to do that. Forcing them to sleep in a dark room by themselves or sleep training them goes against what nature intended and I believe it is abusive.

I believe that the Center for Disease Control's vaccination schedule is both dangerous and harmful to our babies. The lack of research on the effects of these vaccines is alarming. I believe that babies have the right to be kept safe by their parents and their doctors. Vaccines are not safe or necessary.

I believe it is impossible to spoil a baby, and I believe it is impossible for a baby to be manipulative. Their wants are their needs.

I believe all babies have a right to a natural birth. I believe that babies born with medical interventions (epidurals, ceseareans, etc.) are at risk for health problems. While I recognize that certain medical intervention is sometimes necessary, it has gotten WAY out of control in this country. A woman's body was made to give birth. The number of pain medications that are made available and are used is alarming.

I believe that all women have a right to breastfeed whenever, wherever and however they choose.

I believe that parents trust their doctors WAY too much. There's a reason it is called "practicing medicine."

I believe that every woman is enough for her child. I believe that women should trust their instincts instead of reading all of the garbage literature that is put out by medical entities and the media. I believe that babies are the ones who suffer when we fail to do research and instead, listen to what the media tells us we should do with our children.

I believe that pacifiers are unnecessary and put distance between us and our children, along with causing a child's mouth to form inappropriately.

I believe that babies and toddlers have no place in front of a television. Their brains are not developed enough to understand the rapid changes in color and light. While a TV may hold your child's attention, it is not healthy at all.

I believe in baby-led weaning. I believe that children are able to choose for themselves what and how much food they want to eat, while being supervised by their parents. I believe that force-feeding a child some pureed vegetable or fruit on a spoon leads to problems with obesity later in life. I believe that baby food companies are just another societal moneymaker.

I believe that babies and toddlers cannot self-soothe and need their parents to help them with whatever it is they need.

I believe that I still have a lot to learn. This list is not exhaustive, it is simply what I thought of off the top of my head. I know you may not all agree with my beliefs, and that is ok. I will continue to expand my beliefs, and I will share them with you in the future.

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